
Discover Palace of La Magdalena

Discover Palace of La Magdalena, one of Santander's most emblematic buildings. Its facilities invite you to discover a golden age of the city in which the kings and the Spanish court frequented this place during the summer to enjoy the city, its beaches and Baños de Ola.

You will undoubtedly feel like a king discovering its rooms and secrets that we will reveal to you in our guided, premium and dramatised tours, three experiences that offer a different perspective to get to know what was the summer residence of King Alfonso XIII and Queen Victoria Eugenia. While the guided tours focus on a general view of the interior of the Palace, with the premium tours you can access special rooms and, with the dramatised tours, live the experience with the actors who will bring to life the regular inhabitants of the Palace during the royal summers.

The interior of the Palace leaves no one indifferent. Elegantly decorated with period furniture, lamps and works of art, it reflects the refined taste of Spanish royalty. You will have the opportunity to admire incredible pieces with a lot of history.

Access to the Peninsula is on foot. There is a tourist train (a service provided by an external company) that runs along the Magdalena Peninsula, enjoying impressive views of the sea and nature. It stops at the Palace, making it easy to get there.


Horarios EN

NOTE: Once the visit has begun, it will not be possible to gain access.




 Guided visit
 6.50€ per person
 4.50€ per person
 3€ per person
4€ per person
 Premium visit
 17€ per person
 Dramatised visit
 17€ per person
 Special visit
 8€ - 18€ per person



Bonus Rates



Anillo Cultural Centres + Palace of La Magdalena
 11€ per person
Anillo Cultural Centres + Palace of La Magdalena reduced rate
 7€ per person
Anillo Cultural Centres
 6€ per person
Anillo Cultural Centres reduced rate
 4€ per person


Bono cultural

Information on guided visit rates

Reduced rate

  • Persons in a legal situation of unemployment.
  • Students aged 18 to 25.
  • Carnet joven holders (between 18 and 26 years old).
  • Members of large families according to article 2 of Law 40/2003, of 18 November, on the Protection of Large Families, and Royal Decree 1621/2005, of 30th December, which implements the aforementioned law.
  • Persons with disabilities (66% or more), in accordance with the definition given in article 1.2 of Law 26/2011, of 1 August, on the equal adaptation of regulations to the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The person accompanying the disabled person may also access the museum at a reduced rate, as long as this person is essential for the disabled person to be able to visit the museum.

* Accreditation of membership of any of these groups must be made on presentation at the ticket office of the corresponding official document, valid and visibly up to date, in each case.
** Not applicable to premium, dramatised and special visits. Unless otherwise indicated..

Free rate

  • Children under 6 years of age.
  • Official tour guides accompanying a group ¹.

¹ Accreditation must be made on presentation at the ticket office of the corresponding official document, valid and visibly up to date, in each case.
* Not applicable to premium, dramatised and special visits. Unless otherwise indicated.

School group rate ²

  • Pupils up to 16 years of age.
  • Groups with a minimum of 15 people.
  • Entrance of the official guide ³ or teacher free of charge (maximum 1 per 15).

² Reservations are required.
³ Only with our own Official Guide of Cantabria.
* Not applicable to premium, dramatised and special visits. Unless otherwise indicated.

Group rate

  • Groups with a minimum of 15 persons.
  • Official guide entry ⁵.

⁴ Reservations are required.
⁵ Only with our own Official Guide of Cantabria.
* Not applicable to premium, dramatised and special visits. Unless otherwise indicated.

Access rules

